Who are your clients exactly?
My clients are people that want Guaranteed Toning and weight loss, who have tried to lose weight or tone up before and just gave up motivation because they didn’t have the support or the right motivation.
The problems you are challenging right now.
You lack confidence/time/ ability to train in a group of people but yet still want to lose belly fat tone up and gain a better overall well-being of life.
Who will your programmes work for?
My programmes will ultimately be for people that are feed up with half measures, that didn’t get them anywhere and are now willing to just put the effort in to reach their goals/targets quickly.
What type of person do I need to be to make this work?
You need to be a person ready to change, put the effort into the programs and willing to flow step by step processes to get the results needed!
I’ve tried lots of stuff before and nothing has worked. Does this really
As a lot of things in life your mind and your body will have to be in the same place, this is why I will be motivating you to change your lifestyle and mindset which will increase your confidence and abilities.
What results can I expect?
I believe there are no limitations to what one person can achieve, I will be there to give you the advice and training that you will need, If you put the effort and time in to your training and guide lines the results will be simple to achieve.
How quickly can I expect results?
Some people can see results within the first few weeks, due to their eating habits but as a general rule of thumb you will see changes within a month of starting to train with me.
This sounds great but I just don’t have time?
I completely believe if you truly want something you will make time for it and if you don’t do this for your body you will be taking time off yourself later on, because following a healthier life style and being active have been proven to help increase your life spam substantially.
I am not very fit does this matter?
No, the reason people join training programs and get personal trainers are to get fitter, there will be no benefit from trying to “do it alone” as you will probably find it hard to push yourself to your own ability and keep yourself motivated to do it regularly.
Is it going to be hard?
Yes, pushing yourself to get the results that you want will always be hard and getting past the point in your head that says “why am I doing this” will appear in your head but knowing that you are getting one step closer to your ultimate goal everyday will be completely worth the effort you put in!
I have decided what package I want how do I get started?
You click the button of the package you want and fill in the form which will get sent to me where I will then contact you back to book in your first session.